3 Ways Video Can Help Your Business Rank Higher in Search Results

A primary marketing goal for businesses these days is to rank higher in search results. 

The most coveted piece of real estate for businesses these days is not in the middle of Downtown Orlando, or on the edge of Disney property, or right off I-4. The most coveted piece of real estate is now the first page of search engine results. 

But how to get there has often been a mystery to many businesses, and shady SEO companies who have taken advantage of their customers’ lack of knowledge.

But as the fields of search engine optimization & digital marketing have evolved, one thing has become clear: businesses must be providing quality information to rise in search results. 

Here are three reasons why video content is the best type of information to share for a higher ranking in search.

Videos can give you more real estate in search results.

Videos can be hosted on your website as well as on video sharing platforms like YouTube and Vimeo. When you upload your video in more than one place, it has the potential to take up more than one spot in search results. 

Google owns YouTube, and likes to give video content from YouTube in search results. In fact, 62% of Google search results include videos. And by associating your website with your YouTube account, you can still send that traffic to your website.

Video content keeps people on your website longer.

SEO experts have strongly suggested that search engines take into consideration the amount of time spent on a website as an indication of whether it is a reliable page to recommend in search. 

And what keeps people on pages? Video. Add videos to your website to reduce your bounce rate, increase your “dwell" time, and as a result increase your ranking in search.

Video content increases the amount of links and shares.

It is widely known that the more pages that link to your website and the more your website is shared through social media, the higher your page will rank in search engines. 

Video is the most shareable content that you can produce. In fact, video is shared 12 times more than links and text

Creating videos that people will want to share with each other is another way to build links, and as a result increase your ranking in search.

For more information on adding video to your website strategy, read our previous blog post on “How to Add Video To Your Website The Right Way.”



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