Improve Brand Recognition With Visual Storytelling


You have 8 seconds to get a customer’s attention online, before they keep scrolling. And visual content is just part of the equation. Professional photography and popular infographics are most compelling when incorporated into a story because humans are wired for stories and visual information. Remember, our brains process visual content a staggering 60,000 times faster than words alone, and a significant 90% of the information our brain receives is visual. With the power of visual storytelling, you can engage and captivate your audience like never before. While it may seem daunting, our latest blog offers valuable tips to help you seamlessly incorporate this go-to marketing tactic into your plan.

Why Does Visual Storytelling Work?

The human brain is wired to respond to captivating images and compelling narratives. Since the dawn of humankind, combining a well-told story with eye-catching visuals has left a lasting impression on audiences. Yet not all visual storytelling is created equal–you must execute it properly to drive results.

Attributes of Successful Visual Storytelling

Successful visual storytelling is–first and foremost–memorable. It requires you to approach the project as a storyteller first. Once you know the story you’ll want to tell, then you decide on the perfect blend of visuals and words (either written or spoken) that pack a punch.

Visual storytelling is authentic, emotional and relevant.

Additionally, branding must be consistent and cohesive–piecemeal won’t work. Using the same fonts, colors, taglines, and overarching messaging is crucial. This way, audiences can associate the storytelling style with your brand, reinforcing how memorable it is. Authenticity, emotional connection, and relevance are also vital to impactful visual storytelling. Here’s what we mean:

  • Authenticity means being genuine. Consumers want to align with truth-telling brands. 90% of survey respondents prioritized authenticity from brands.

  • When you’re authentic, you lay the foundation for an emotional connection. People trust genuine brands and are eager to take the journey that your visual storytelling offers them.

  • Relevancy means speaking to your audience's needs, wants, and lifestyles. It makes your content more relatable.

How Visual Storytelling Builds a Stronger Brand

Visual storytelling enhances your brand by improving sharing potential and engagement on digital platforms.  Text alone can account for one part of storytelling, but it lacks that extra “oomph” to truly appeal to the masses. Case in point, social video generates over 1200% more social media shares than just text. And posts including images generate 650% more engagement than posts with only text.

Tools Of Visual Storytelling

Articles containing relevant images receive 94% more views than articles without photos. In some instances, for example, on Instagram, images perform better than videos. Nonetheless, videos possess more narrative capabilities than even the most eye-catching still-motion photograph. To this point, video marketing studies from 2023 cite that almost 90% of people watching a video have been convinced to buy from a company as a result. Implementing a mix of photography and video in your digital marketing will cover all necessary visual storytelling bases.

The Big Picture Is Visual

Strategic businesses with the big picture in mind know the best way to maintain their competitive edge is through visual storytelling. They’re utilizing videos, photography, and other visual elements to hook their target audience, craft a compelling brand identity, and increase engagement.

It’s time to use visual storytelling as the marketing rocket fuel that takes your brand’s online presence to a new stratosphere. Reach out to our team and learn more.


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